Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest, and hug them in. This pose helps in releasing gas and improves digestion
Balasana (Child's Pose)
Kneel on the floor, touch your big toes together, sit on your heels, and lower your torso between your knees. This pose helps to massage the internal organs, aiding digestion
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Sit on the floor with your legs straight, bend forward from the hips, and reach for your toes. This pose stimulates the digestive organs and improves metabolism
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Lie on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders, and lift your chest off the floor. This pose helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles and improves digestion
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
Sit with your legs straight, bend your right knee, place your right foot outside your left knee, and twist to the right. This pose helps in detoxifying the organs and improves digestion
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, reach back with your hands, and hold onto your ankles. Lift your chest and thighs off the floor. This pose helps in stimulating the digestive system and improving appetite
Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist)
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and drop them to the left while twisting your torso to the right. This pose helps in wringing out toxins from the digestive organs and improves digestion